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How I ship items
As you all know, shipping vinyl can become VERY heavy, which means VERY costly. I do my very best to keep costs down as much as possible. There are 4 ways I can ship.
1. Tyvek mailer
2. Flat Rate Envelopes
3. Medium Flat Rate Box.
4. Padded Flat Rate Envelope
Tyvek mailer is obvious way to go, I can fit a ton.....BUT the more I add the more it will cost you. Anything shipped over 1lb jumps over the $6 mark. The most I can ship in a tyvek envelope is 2 rolls, not including marine, its heavier than most vinyls.
Flat Rate Envelope. This is the most economical and depending on the vinyl, I can almost ship up to 9 rolls. I'm an EXCELLENT packer. The problem with this option is its cardboard. I will tape around it if its full to help control the ripping, but its not guaranteed. Those postal workers are rough!
Padded Flat Rate Envelope-These are great if I am shipping 6" rolls or 9" sheets. When we get into a 12" roll I try and double the envelopes. Sometimes I will get a postal worker that is a stickler for the rules and will charge for the fact I used 2. Doesn't happen often, probably 1 in every 100+ but they may as you for more money. I can ship up to 15-20 rolls. Depending on the vinyl you purchased. IF this is a problem for you...and you would rather not have me do it this way, I have no problem jumping to the next option which is....
Medium Flat Rate box. This is a great option, and the most expensive. Sometimes they are too big and there is alot of empty space in the box. I usually cut them down so they aren't moving around during transportation. I can fit up to 35 rolls in this box. I like to go over this because I get a lot of emails saying oh you should've done this or should've done that. I would love to do a ton of things, but those things cost you more money. Sometime things get a little scrunched, try a heavy book for a couple of hours. Usually works!! If anything is damaged, just let me know.
I appreciate your understanding and if you have any questions. Just let me know. Thanks!!!
Do you recommend any special tools to cut my felties or glue them on?
Yes, I use a combination of Kai Scissors-which I sell on the site.
4" curved scissors, They are small, thin and very sharp, great for getting into those tight corners. 6" Kai; for cutting out felties from the sheet. Honestly, cutting through the layers of felt is like cutting butter!! Well, maybe more like a piece of cake. lol 5" Kai for applique when I am stitching them out on my machine All of them are wonderful and VERY useful!!
For gluing on your felties, I recommend anything that works for you. :) There are many different products out there. Many times, something works better than others. On other occasions. Some glue comes pouring out and its messy... I prefer my plain, old, hot glue gun. EVEN for my small embellishments. LOVE that thing :) Try different things see what works best for you.
Directions for Cutting around your felties
You will need a sharp pair of scissors I like to use a tiny pair for trimming threads & a larger pair for cutting around the stitching Like the 2 pairs I have on my site. ;)
Hot Glue Gun
If you want you can pull the stablilizer out with the tweezers. You can trim any of the little stitches on top of the feltie. Without pulling the threads, cut close to the base. You can trim any "jump" stitches. Stitches that are attached to eachother. You can find these usually by the eyes.
You will take a pair of sharp scissors and cut approx 2mm around each design. Be sure to hold your scissors parallel to the feltie, this way you get an even cut all the way around. If your scissors are held on an anglethe two layers might not be even. One layer might be longer than
the other.
You can always flip the feltie over and apply an iron if you want to flaten it back out. You can also take a lint roller and roll it over the feltie to pick up any tiny threads or "felt dirt". Its good to pick up all the "felt dirt" this will provide a clean base for any embellishments, clips or bows you want to add to your feltie. You can now add your embellishments and glue your feltie to your clip or bow. I use a regular hot glue gun, with a fine tip. The fine tip keeps the glue thin. If too much glue comes out, the feltie may not lay flat on the surface.
All Done!!
How do I use Silly Grip?
Silly Grips works by utilizing a soft resilient silicone material that "conforms" to the inside of metal clip and your childs hair; it expands and contracts and fills in the gaps commonly seen when there is not enough hair or hair is fine. When there is not enough hair to fill the clipping apparatus; shifting, slipping, sliding, and in most cases pulling occurs on the few strands the clip does grab and is usually uncomfortable making you want to reposition or remove the clip all together.
Do you do returns?
Due to the nature of the product, technically not. But, I will do everything I can to make it right. If I need to make another, make something else, or give you a credit to use at a later time.
What type of felt do you use?
I use a wool felt blend on EVERYTHING. Eco is made from plastic bottles. I have found, it ruins my instuments, pills and doesn't hold up as well as wool blend felt.
Can you do custom designs?
Yes, If there is something you are looking for and you don't see it. Contact me, we can find something that will work.
How do I cut out my Feltie Clip Cover?
Tips for Cleaning your vinyl
I’ve noticed with a couple of the vinyls they may have some “dirt” on them. Sometimes they may have a “gummy” spot on it that resulted from the residue of tape. I try my best to not send any vinyl that may have some sort of “dirt” on it. There are times, it slips through without me noticing it. If you do need to clean your vinyl this is what I have used. All of the vinyl you purchase from me is machine wash and dry. As with any item, over time extensive washing and drying will put wear on the vinyl. If you use a very hot dryer, and depending how often you wash the item, the vinyl will, overtime, begin to lose its color, luster and may begin to crack. For best results I recommend cold wash, medium to low spin and not a huge amount of laundry soap. When drying your vinyl, I recommend low heat or hang dry. If I notice the vinyl needs a little wiping. There are 2 things I always use. If there is a Gummy-tackiness that was left on the top of the vinyl, I bought some alcohol squares or you can use rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball. It works miracles on getting it off. Afterwards, I use a little of watered down Dawn Soap and water on a rag and soap it up. Sometimes the alcohol leaves a residue and the soap will get it clean. I then use a cloth of only water to wipe off the suds then dry it clean. The soap bath also works great for finger prints.I always use a soft cloth, like the burp cloths, I have tons I use for rags from my old embroidery days when I made burp cloths for gift. They are great for this. Hope this makes your vinyl shiny and looking great for your projects.